
A newsletter, covering the villages of Anstey, Brent Pelham and Meesden, is published bi-monthly. There’s a link to the latest edition on the Home page.

Visit History to read about the life of The Anstey Soldiers Who Fell and those Who Returned from World War 1



Anstey 75th VE day Garden Celebrations

Some images of the V E Day 8th May 2020 (click on image to enlarge)

Anstey Fair 2024

THE RETURN OF ANSTEY FAIR!!! Sunday 14th July 1-5pm, St George’s Church Fields, Anstey. SG9 0BY We are very pleased to announce that the Anstey Fair is back and we look forward to welcoming you to our new venue behind St George’s Church! SG9 0BY or ( In addition to the usual free parking, Tombola, …

Anstey Village Hall Events 2025

The village hall is licensed to accommodate 160 people excluding staff, attendants and performers. The main hall will accommodate between 60 and 100 if seated at tables, depending of course on how they are arranged. There is a small kitchen with cooker, microwave and fridge. Tables, chairs and crockery can be hired. Hire charges Anstey residents:         £8 …

Social Media

Social Media Email – AnsteyLink ‘connects local residents to share local information, list items for sale, free or loan, recommend local businesses, services and events, and anything else that may be useful to contact local residents about.’ The group is managed by Sarah Cruise – Facebook The Anstey and Meesden Community Group is …